5                                 Int. Tomas' Apartment - Morning                                 5
The apartment has been returned to a normal living arrangement. The sofa is pressed against the wall and children's toys are strewn across the living room. Packed duffle bags and backpacks are sitting next to the door.

Tomas, standing at the kitchen counter, continues to pack up food and give directions as children run in and out of the kitchen. MARCELLA walks into the kitchen holding a shoe in one hand with tears running down her red face.
Daddy! Please help!
It's okay Marcella. I'll help you, just wait one second please. Can you sit down for me?
Marcella nods in agreement as she wipes tears from her eyes with her sleeve. She sits down on the kitchen floor. Tomas finishes packing up a sandwich into a bag the squats down to help his daughter. 
It's always this part that's hard, hunh honey.
That's okay. This is the really hard part. Do you remember the trick I taught you?
Bunny ears?
Marcella holds her hand up and makes bunny ears with her fingers. Tomas ties her shoes as he sings the nursery rhyme, Marcella attempts to join in between deep sighs that only happen after crying.
I don't want to go to Auntie Sierra's. I want to go with you!
The older children, JONATHON and KYRIE shout from the living room in agreement.
I know you don't. But it's just for a couple days while I'm at work.
Why can't you take us with you like normal?
Because I am going out of the city. I've told you this already Jonathon
I know... I just want you to change your mind!
Well, I'm sorry. I'm not changing my answer on this one big guy.
Tomas walks into the living room and pats the two boys on the head. With his hands still on their heads he asks:
Have you two finished packing yet? You know how much Auntie hates waiting.
As he finishes his sentence a loud shout can be heard from outside the front door.
Tomas! You said 1:30...
The door flies open mid-sentence to reveal SIERRA, obviously irritated and in a rush.
I am going to be late to my meeting! Why aren't the kids ready?!
I just need to finish putting on Marcella's shoes and they are all ready to go.
Without noticing the two boys right next to hear she yells for them to come help her with the luggage. The two boys do so begrudgingly. Marcella runs to her dad and wraps herself as tightly as she can around his leg.
Please don't go Daddy! Come with me to Auntie Sierra's, please!
I can't honey, but I'll be back in a couple days. You always have fun at Aunties! I bet I'll be back before you even notice!
Once the two eldest children return from taking out the baggage Tomas tells them all goodbye. He gives each one a hug and kiss on the forehead before telling them to be good for Auntie.
All right kiddos, go get in the car. I'll be right there.
Tomas can feel Sierra's glare before the door is even closed. He looks over to see her standing with her arms crossed and brow furrowed. As Marcella leaves the apartment she turns around to give Tomas a wave. Tomas returns it and blows her a kiss goodbye. As soon as the door closes Sierra launches her interrogation. 
You really can't reschedule this show?
You know I can't do that. This is the best gig I've had in a long time and you know I need the money.
I get that, but is it even safe to travel right now? Look at what just happened with the ceasefire protests. 
It's going to be fine. We are going with a transitor anyways. Those guys are practically untouchable. 
You and Johnny better not be up to something...
Tomas reassures that everything will be fine. He stretches an arm out to give her  reassuring hug. She stands there silently assesing Tomas before returning his invitation.
Everything will be okay.
Aaliyah always said that.
Sierra looks around and grabs random toys for the children before finally leaving. When the door finally closes Tomas walks back into the kitchen. He stands silently resting against the counter as he looks over the now empty apartment. 

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